Career Tips, Careers, News
How to Successfully Relocate for a Job

Uprooting your life and relocating for a new job can be overwhelming. However, it could also be the opportunity for a new adventure and the path to your dream career! It doesn’t have to be a monster of a task that you single-handedly take on. There are plenty of ways to utilize resources around you and build a support system. Keep these tips in mind throughout your relocating process to help ease your stress and stay on top of everything.
Stay Organized
Start planning the minute you think there is a chance you will be relocating. Keeping checklists of everything from selling your old house to buying your new one can be a lifesaver and help avoid little tasks from slipping through the cracks. You also will want to set a desired budget for all your relocation expenses. Travel, moving, and housing fees can add up quickly, so stay mindful of this. Lastly, lay out a timeline of everything that needs to be done. You probably will want some time to get your bearings before jumping right into the office, so give yourself a couple of extra days to settle in before your start date.
Familiarize Yourself with the New Environment
Take the time to research your new city. Get to know which neighborhoods are safe, how the school districts are, and what the community feel is like. If you’re wanting to be even more prepared ask around and see what the people who live or have lived there have to say. If it’s in your budget, visit and see for yourself. There’s no better way to know how you may feel in a new environment than going and experiencing it firsthand!
Use Your Network for Support
When navigating all these changes and unknowns, don’t forget to utilize those around you. Reach out to friends and colleagues for advice. Maybe they’ve relocated for a job before and have some pointers to share. Use your social networks to share your big life change, you never know who could reach out or may have a connection to help you through this transition. Join a club, a gym, or socialize with coworkers at your new job. These types of activities will help you put roots down. Knowing you have a support system will help you feel more welcomed and set yourself up for an easier adjustment.
Ask for Relocation Assistance
Some companies offer assistance for relocating expenses such as house-hunting trips, temporary housing, selling your previous home, buying your new home, transportation of household belongings/vehicles, tax liability, and more. However, if this isn’t advertised or typical of your employer to do, just ask! Do the research and be knowledgeable about what exactly you’re asking for, whether that’s reimbursement for shipping costs or getting the contact of a preferred provider of the company for relocation support.
Know the Tax Liability of Relocation
The tax laws changed in 2018 and all relocation costs are now taxable. If an employer is helping with the costs of the relocation, some companies will cover the tax liability for the employee. It is important to have this discussion early in the recruitment/planning process.
If you find yourself in the midst of a career change and a move, don’t think you have to do it alone. There are plenty of options for emotional and financial support during this process, especially when using a relocation management company. These are professionals equipped to help you through every stage and help you stay organized. At Govig, we recommend a local favorites, Fox Relocation Services and RMR Move Management, who have assisted many of our candidates personally in their relocation journeys. The key to a smooth move is early planning.
Written by: Darien Graves