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What Type Of Positions Are Currently In the Marketplace?
What types of positions are we seeing being implemented back into the marketplace today, and what types of positions do we typically work on?
When the market turned, we began to see organizations start to downsize or right size. Currently, they are feeling very optimistic that the market is heading back in the right direction, so we’re seeing more opportunity in individual roles in sales and product development.
Companies are realizing that their employees were spread way too thin during the economic downturn, especially salespeople. They weren’t able to be value-added employees in the marketplace because they were spread just way too thin.
“We place many types of roles.”
Companies are getting a little more sophisticated in their processes, and they are asking us to look for people who have a production process background or StageGate, or some type of formalized process that they’ve worked through from conception to implementation.
We place other roles as well. In 2016, we placed 540 people, and 114 of those were at the VP level or higher. Those higher roles aren’t going to be as common in a company, but sales and production jobs are much more plentiful.
If you have any questions about this topic or you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.