
5 Tricks to Make Hiring a Treat

Halloween may be here but don’t “freak out” when a top performing staff member has left your company and you have big shoes to fill!

Here are a few tricks to help make the recruiting process “less scary.”

1.) Stay positive 

Finding top talent for your company is a process, so don’t get discouraged when finding the best person doesn’t happen right away. Also, be sure that you don’t settle for someone just to fill the role.

2.) Promote from Within

This is a great way to boost morale and to provide career pathing for existing employees. Career growth and development are top aspects that employees identify as factors they must have at work. According to RecruitLoop, internal recruiting can also save you time and money, reduce training time, improve productivity and morale, and facilitate succession planning.

3.) Write a Compelling Job Description 

It may be hard to replace top talent, but if you can clearly identify the traits, skills, and experience needed for a candidate to succeed from the get-go, it will make the process a lot easier to find the person who will meet your company’s needs. Also, make sure you put time and effort into a short description. Four times as many people read the short description than actually clicking through the ad itself.

4.) Turn to employees, they are great resources

Try reaching out to other staff members for referrals. They know your industry, company culture and may have contacts to network with.

5.) Utilize search services to streamline the process

If time and resources are scarce, using a search firm like Govig can help you  tap into a network you don’t have access to as a company. Typically, a search firm can reduce the time to fill by 50 percent.

Are you in need of executive recruitment services? Learn more about Govig & Associates by checking out our LinkedIn Company Page and get in touch with a recruiter today.